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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-548

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The Quasi-Reversibility Method for Thermoacoustic Tomography in a Heterogeneous Medium

Christian Clason and Michael V. Klibanov

pp. 1-23

Numerical Mathematics of the Subtraction Method for the Modeling of a Current Dipole in EEG Source Reconstruction Using Finite Element Head Models

C. H. Wolters, H. Köstler, C. Möller, J. Härdtlein, L. Grasedyck, and W. Hackbusch

pp. 24-45

Error Bounded Schemes for Time-dependent Hyperbolic Problems

Jan Nordström

pp. 46-59

A Stable Algorithm for Flat Radial Basis Functions on a Sphere

Bengt Fornberg and Cécile Piret

pp. 60-80

A High-Order Spectral Method for Nonlinear Water Waves over Moving Bottom Topography

Philippe Guyenne and David P. Nicholls

pp. 81-101

Recovery Patterns for Iterative Methods in a Parallel Unstable Environment

J. Langou, Z. Chen, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra

pp. 102-116

A Restart Procedure for the Finite Mass Method

Markus Klingler, Peter Leinen, and Harry Yserentant

pp. 117-133

Stabilized Integration of Hamiltonian Systems with Hard-Sphere Inequality Constraints

Stephen D. Bond and Benedict J. Leimkuhler

pp. 134-147

Adaptive Variable-Rank Approximation of General Dense Matrices

Steffen Börm

pp. 148-168

Stochastic Algorithms with Hermite Cubic Spline Interpolation for Global Estimation of Solutions of Boundary Value Problems

Roman N. Makarov and Elena V. Shkarupa

pp. 169-188

A Posteriori Error Estimation for Lowest Order Raviart–Thomas Mixed Finite Elements

Mark Ainsworth

pp. 189-204

Efficient MATLAB Computations with Sparse and Factored Tensors

Brett W. Bader and Tamara G. Kolda

pp. 205-231

Improving the Accuracy of GMRes with Deflated Restarting

S. Röllin and W. Fichtner

pp. 232-245

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems on Anisotropically Refined Meshes

Emmanuil H. Georgoulis, Edward Hall, and Paul Houston

pp. 246-271

Postprocessing for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method over Nonuniform Meshes

Sean Curtis, Robert M. Kirby, Jennifer K. Ryan, and Chi-Wang Shu

pp. 272-289

Least Squares Preconditioners for Stabilized Discretizations of the Navier–Stokes Equations

Howard Elman, Victoria E. Howle, John Shadid, David Silvester, and Ray Tuminaro

pp. 290-311

An Exact Bounded Perfectly Matched Layer for Time-Harmonic Scattering Problems

A. Bermúdez, L. Hervella-Nieto, A. Prieto, and R. Rodríguez

pp. 312-338

A Semi-Lagrangian Approach for Natural Gas Storage Valuation and Optimal Operation

Zhuliang Chen and Peter A. Forsyth

pp. 339-368

Adaptivity with Dynamic Meshes for Space-Time Finite Element Discretizations of Parabolic Equations

Michael Schmich and Boris Vexler

pp. 369-393

Well-Balanced Time Implicit Formulation of Relaxation Schemes for the Euler Equations

Christophe Chalons, Frédéric Coquel, and Claude Marmignon

pp. 394-415

One-Dimensional Algorithm for Finding Eigenbasis of the Schrödinger Operator

I. Livshits

pp. 416-440

Multigrid Optimization Schemes for Solving Bose–Einstein Condensate Control Problems

A. Borzì and U. Hohenester

pp. 441-462

Iterative Solution of Piecewise Linear Systems

Luigi Brugnano and Vincenzo Casulli

pp. 463-472

On Diagonally Relaxed Orthogonal Projection Methods

Yair Censor, Tommy Elfving, Gabor T. Herman, and Touraj Nikazad

pp. 473-504

Algebraic Multigrid Based on Computational Molecules, 2: Linear Elasticity Problems

J. K. Kraus

pp. 505-524

Sampling Rotation Groups by Successive Orthogonal Images

Julie C. Mitchell

pp. 525-547

Erratum: A Variational Approach to Video Segmentation for Botanical Data

Aaron Luttman and John Bardsley

p. 548